Sunny D is never top of mind for consumers. How do we make the drink relevant again in a market that rewards savviness?

Let’s make them think of Sunny D whenever they see the letter D in the real world.


Austin Rettinhouse (AD)

Evan Robertson (CW)

Evan Solomon (CW)


Sunny D


We decided to give people around the world the option to define the D the way they want to, by capturing, geotagging, and sharing D’s that they find in the world.

To lend them a hand, we’re launching the WTD App - a state of the art application that’s as simple as 1-2-3.

Step 1: Find the D

Spot out a capital D while you’re walking around. It could be on a store sign, a billboard, etc.


Step 2: Capture the D

Open our app, and use its camera function to capture the D. An animation will play once our software spots the D.

Step 3: Share the D

Share your post to the app or your social media. Likes and shares on your D may get you featured and earn you swag!


We created a leaderboard showcasing the best posts, based off of likes. We’ll highlight the top ten for everyone to see from our app.

Users with the top posts get prizes! The prizes are given out based off of the highest likes, with higher ranked users getting better prizes.

Submissions are accepted 24/7, but only those who place on the weekly leaderboards by sharing the world’s most interesting D’s earn prizes. Value of prizes/swag are based on rankings.

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Highlight the day’s best D’s from around the world using IG stories.


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