The #VIBEREADER App uses face scanning technology to detect your vibe and personally curate Paper Magazine content based on how you’re feeling in that instant. Given Gen Z's notoriously short attention span, we created this app so Paper directs them towards content they can better vibe with in the moment!


Paper Magazine


Austin Rettinhouse (AD)

Evan Robertson (CW)

Evan Solomon (CW)


The app uses face scanning technology to detect your vibe and personally curate Paper content based off how you’re feeling in the moment.

More Than Articles

Videos, interviews, podcasts, music, and more will be available to you through your own hub.


When You’re Not Vibing

You can either Fave or Flip The Finger to content, letting it know what you liked and didn’t. The more feedback you give, the better the algorithm gets.

 #VIBECHECK on the Go

Showcase our facial recognition technology through the installation of smart mirrors in major cities

Once your vibe is detected, recommendations will become based on geolocation

The Long “Con”

Convention, conference, and music-festival goers are faced with a lot of hard choices to make. Whether choosing which band to see or which panel to attend, factoring vibe into your decision will increase your satisfaction tenfold.



IG Interactive Filter

With a quick 5 second scan you can receive one-off randomized content (articles, videos, etc.) based off your detected vibe.


The King Of Pizza


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